
We want all our customers to be more than satisfied with our people and the products, services and processes. In instances where we do not meet or exceed those expectations, in any area, we will welcome the opportunity to improve. We will proactively undertake to fully resolve your issue in a timely, fair and considered manner.

Delivery, production, return, product quality or system failure complaints

Please contact our support teams:

Tel: 01592 778 225

In writing: Customer Support, VELUX Co. Ltd., Woodside Way, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 4ND

*Please note, contact made to our parent company in Denmark, will be directed back to the local company to resolve, as is our standard practice.

Contact us

Person / service complaints

Please speak to one of our team managers:

Tel: 01592 778 225

In writing: Operations Management Team, VELUX Co. Ltd., Woodside Way, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 4ND

*Please be assured, in extreme cases our internal disciplinary policy will come into effect. Any further action taken is proprietary information.

Contact us